Carrot Halwa Art on ‘They Draw and they Cook’

December 22, 2010 § 4 Comments

Ok, so am not the biggest fan of most Indian sweets, but I love Carrot Halwa (and Gulab Jamuns and Kesari and Thartipal and Badam Halwa and Payasam), but that’s really it! I also love the blog ‘ They draw and they cook’ so am thrilled that they featured my work there. I hope to keep drawing fun food stuff !


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§ 4 Responses to Carrot Halwa Art on ‘They Draw and they Cook’

  • momsicle says:

    Found you through today’s posts on They Draw and Cook, and I was drawn to your halwa watercolor. Watercolor is such a tough medium to get something so subtle like halwa to make sense in. Lovely!!

  • anjelina says:

    Carrot Halwa one of the delicious and popular Indian dessert.

  • Love this – and your website. Congratulations!

  • This is such a great idea. I love your work! Linking food to art is one of the best things ever! I just discovered Fanny at Chez Panisse, it’s a great book about a little girl discovering the joys of cooking through her mother’s restaurant where she is a tag-along and discovered the joys of watercolor in food. It’s a fab book. I suck at drawing, but will try and get it into our routine when i start cooking with Re (which will be soon, we are nearly there)

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